
Paper proceedings

  1. The deadline for sending the topics of speeches and the lists of speakers: 28 April 2019. In accordance with the joint arrangements, the speeches will be made in English.
  2. The deadline for sending full texts of the papers to be published, in English: 16 June 2019. The editorial requirements concerning the contents of the papers have been attached to this letter.

Symposium publication from the previous years

  1. Borowiecki R. (ed.), Management of Organizations During Economic Integrations and Globalization, AE – CECIOS – TNOiK, Warsaw-Cracow 2003.
  2. VISNIK KNUTE, No 6, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv 2004.
  3. Anastasi A., Borowiecki R., Vermiglio F. (eds.), Impresa e globalizzazione. Aspetti aziendali e giuridici, Universita degli Studi di Messina - Annali della Facolta di Economia, Messina 2005.
  4. Borowiecki R. (ed.), Enterprises, Entrepreneurship in the Face of Globalization and European Integration – Economic, Legislative and Social Challenges, Cracow University of Economics, Cracow 2006.
  5. Mazaraki A. (ed.), Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Conditions of Globalization: Economic, Social, Legal and Ecological Problems of Development, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv 2007.
  6. Anastasi A., Borowiecki R. (eds.), Entreprises Mondialisation, Les Cahiers de la Mondialisation, 2008, No 1 and 2.
  7. Borowiecki R. (ed.), Enterprise in the Face of Challenges of the 21st Century Economy, TNOiK – “Dom Organizatora”, Toruń 2010.
  8. Mazaraki A. (ed.), Economy and Enterprises of European Countries in Overcoming the Consequences of the Crisis, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv 2010.
  9. Moving from the Crisis to Sustainability. Emerging Issues in the International Context, Franco Angeli, Milano 2011.
  10. Borowiecki R., Jaki A., Rojek T. (ed.), Contemporary Economy in Times of the Global Crisis. Economic, Social and Legal Aspects, Cracow University of Economics – Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics, Cracow 2012.
  11. Mazaraki A. (ed.), Strategy of Enterprises in the Waiting Period of the Crisis: Economic, Social and Legal Aspects, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv 2013.
  12. Centorrino G., D’Amico A., Moschella G. (eds.), Enterprise in Hardship. Economic, Managerial and Juridical Perspectives, ARACNE editrice, Ariccia 2014.
  13. Borowiecki R., Jaki A., Lula P. (eds.), Knowledge – Economy – Society. Challenges of Contemporary Economies in the Face of Global Market Conditions, Cracow University of Economics – Foundation of the Cracow University of Economics, Cracow 2015.
  14. Stojanović Aleksić V. (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Economics, Business and Management, University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Economics, Kragujevac 2016.
  15. Mazaraki A. (ed.), Contemporary Economy: Social, Legal and Economic Aspects, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv 2017.